Full Schedule
Check-In & Networking | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
SEGMENT 1: Bridging Gaps Through Exposure
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Andy Patel –
“Hiring a Robot Replaced My Job--And That’s a Good Thing”
Dori Lumpkin
“Do You Think I’m Spooky?--Forming Lasting Connections by Embracing the Unsettling”
Paul Lockette
“Using AI to Shine Through Clouds of Obfuscation”
Performance by Angelica Howard
Morning Break | 12:15 PM – 12:40 PM
Light snacks & beverages available
SEGMENT 2: Culture & Connection
12:45 PM – 2:00 PM
Bayllon Matson.
“AI is the Missing Piece to Your Critical Thinking Skills”
Ailrick Young Jr.
“Creating Space--the Mental and Emotional Benefit of Southern Hospitality”
Elizabet Elliot
"How to Transmute Pain Through Art”
Performance by The Dillons
Networking Break & Local Business Showcase | Sponsored by Rooster’s
2:05 PM – 3:05 PM
SEGMENT 3: Growth & Strategy
3:10 PM – 4:05 PM
Charlotte Pence
“Navigating Love and Fear as an Unparented Parent”
Bri Burrell
“Life’s Laminar Flow”
Tempey Hamilton
“What the hell am I doing on this playground?”
Performance by Tiffany Pogue
Afternoon Break | 4:10 PM – 4:25 PM
Time to Stretch!
SEGMENT 4: Worlds Reimagined
4:30 PM – 5:20 PM
Austin Durham
“Environmental Response--How Does the Port City Attract Sustainable Tourism?”
Sven Weber
Sustainability: A Holistic Approach to Business and Society
Terrance Smith
"Reimagining Trust: The Hidden Barrier to Innovation"
Performance by The Dirty Fridays
Closing Remarks | 5:30 PM
VIP After Party
VIP Tickets Only
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM